The Tree Library


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Common name: gevlekte gewone esdoorn (NL), bûnte eskdoarn (Fryske), Sycamore Maple (EN)

Native range: Northern and central Europe and western Asia

Pollination: Bees

Seed dspersal: Wind

Conservation: Least concern (IUCN, last assessed 2017)

The gevlekte gewone esdoorn is a variety of Acer pseudoplatanus, specifically named Acer pseudoplatanus “Leopoldii”. This tree grows very fast and has a long life (350-400 years). It has big crown that sometimes grows even larger than the height of the tree. Flowers from April to June and the seeds are ready to be dispersed between September and October.

Acer pseudoplatanus

The Bark:

Acer pseudoplatanus

Some seeds

Acer pseudoplatanus

References and more information at:

Plants for a future

European Atlas of Forest Species

Plants of the World (Kew Botanical Garden)

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