The Tree Library


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Common name: ruwe berk (NL) blanke bjirk (Fryske) Silver Birch (EN)

Native range: Europe, Native

Pollination: wind

Seed dispersal: wind

Conservation: Least concern (IUCN, last assessed 2014)

The ruwe berk, a broadleaved tree found mostly in Northern Europe, is an important species used in forest regeneration. Its importance is centered around its ability to grow fast, improve soil conditions and protect young plants from the cold. The flowers of this tree appear in April and the fruits are ready to ripe in August.


The ruwe berk has multiple uses in the kitchen, medicine and timber. It has been used for a long time for its wood and there are a number of recipes using the bark and leaves, including a recipe for a beer. It can be irritating but it has sme uses as medicine.

The tree looks like this in winter

Betula pendula

and the barkā€¦

Betula pendula bark

References and more information can be found at:

Plants of the World (Kew Botanical Garden)

European Atlas of Forest Species

Plants for a future

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