The Tree Library


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Common name: zomereik (NL), iik (Fryske), English oak (EN)

Native range: Europe, Asia Minor and North Africa

Pollination: wind

Seed dispersal: rodents, birds, water

Conservation: Least concern (IUCN, last assessed 2017)

This tree species can live more than 1000 years and most of the times it only starts producing seeds when it has reached 50 years of age. The zomereik flowers in May and, by October the acorns are ripen and ready to be eaten and dispersed by rodents, birds and sometimes trough water.


This big tree (grows up to 40 m high), has been part of the English traditions for a long time, playing an important role in wedding and during christmas. Its wood was used for ships and to make wine barrels. Other uses include, food for livestock and dyeing.

The tree looks like this in winter

Quercus robur

and the barkā€¦

Quercus robur bark

References and more information can be found at:

Plants of the World (Kew Botanical Garden)

European Atlas of Forest Species

Plants for a future

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