The Tree Library


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Common name: zilveresdoorn (NL), sulvereskdoarn (Fryske), Silver Maple (EN)

Native range: South East Canada and United States

Pollination: Wind

Seed dspersal: Wind

Conservation: Least concern (IUCN, last assessed 2017)

The scientific name of the zilveresdoorn reflects the characteritic high levels of sugar in the sap, thus the use of the syrup extracted from this tree as a Sweetener for many foods. The zilveresdoorn is also important for the fauna as it is one of the first trees to bloom in spring providing resources for the animals when they have already finished all the food stored.

The tree flowers from February to March, and the seeds ripen from April to June.


The leaves…

Acer saccharinum

The bark…

Acer saccharinum

References and more information at:

Plants for a future

Plants of the World (Kew Botanical Garden)

United States Forestry service)

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