The Tree Library


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Common name: boomhazelaar (NL), hazzenút (Fryske), Turkish Hazel (EN)

Native range: Turkey and Southeasthern europe

Pollination: Wind

Seed dspersal: Animals

Conservation: Least concern (IUCN, last assessed 2014)

The boomhazelaar scientific name derives from the “helmet”, Corylus, that the nuts wear to protect them from squirrels. Eventhough the adult tree is very resistant to stressful conditions, the seedlings and juvenile are sensitive to these conditions. Flowers in March and the nuts appear in September and October.


Corylus colurna

The bark…

Corylus colurna

The nuts…

Corylus colurna

The leaves…

Corylus colurna

References and more information at:

Plants for a future

Plants of the World (Kew Botanical Garden)

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