The Tree Library


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Common name: rode beuk (NL), reade boek (Fryske), Purple Beech (EN)

Native range: Europe

Pollination: Wind

Seed dspersal: Birds

Conservation: Not assessed

The rode beuk is unique for its purple chocolate leaves. The leaves appear in spring and attract birds, especially black birds that use the tree to hide from predators. The pigment responsible for the leaf color (anthocyanin) is an important antioxidant that protects the tree from excess solar radiation allowing for photosynthesis to be performed under stressful conditions.

The tree flowers in April - May and the seeds are rippen between spetember and october


fagus sylvatica

The leaves…

fagus sylvatica

References and more information at:

Plants for a future

Plants of the World (Kew Botanical Garden)

United States Forest service - Factsheet)

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