The Tree Library


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Common name: groene hulst (NL), hulst (Fryske), Common Holly (EN)

Native range: West Europe and north western Africa

Pollination: Insects

Seed dspersal: Birds

Conservation: Least concern (IUCN, last assessed 2018)

The evergreen groene hulst is connected to many traditions that date back to the Druids, Celtics and Romans, that relate its evergreen properties during winter as a source of protection for the animals and the communities. And it is also one of the main symbols of Christmas in many countries around the world. It almost didn’t make it to this list as it is a shrub but it is such a well-known species that we decided to inlude it.

The groene hulst flowers from May to June, and the seeds ripen from November to March.


The leaves…

ilex aquifolium

The bark…

ilex aquifolium

References and more information at:

Plants for a future

Plants of the World (Kew Botanical Garden)

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