The Tree Library


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Common name: Chineese moerascipres (NL), Sjineeske sompesipres (Fryske), Dawn Redwood (EN)

Native range: China

Pollination: wind

Seed dispersal: Animals

Conservation: Endangered (IUCN, last assessed 2013). Population decreasing.

The unique Chineese moerascipres is characterized for its height, it grows up to 30 meters in 50 years. It was first discovered as a fossil in several parts of the world, and only in 1945 it was discovered alive in a small forest patch in China. Some of the seeds of the trees in that forest were collected and distributed in Arboretums around the world to prevent its extinction and observe its adaptability to varying conditions.

The tree looks like this in winter

metasequoia glyptostroboides

the leaves…

metasequoia glyptostroboides leaves

and the bark…

metasequoia glyptostroboides bark

References and more information at:

Plants of the World (Kew Botanical Garden)

Ecological characteristics of the Dawn Redwood

Plants for a future

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